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Sunday 29 December 2013

The time of year for change

So here we go again….

I'm sure I'm like a lot of people out there contemplating the start of another year, looking back on all the highs and lows and planning what we'd like to change for the new year.

Having fallen completely off my veggie/exercise wagon as I like to say, I must tell you I feel like crap.

I should have come back to look at this blog a whole lot sooner to remind myself how good I felt while I chose to take this path. I must share with you however some of the many things I've learned over the last year while guiltlessly enjoying whatever I wanted with weight to prove it!

People don't want to hear that you are eating Vegan, period. Don't get me wrong, the majority of people around me are very supportive and want to see you do well, others wonder WHY on earth you would want to do that!! 

I only ventured on this journey for a short period of time and over the last few months I find myself saying, "You know, I felt the best when I was eating Vegan….."
Like many of you I'm sure, I let the craziness of life get in the way of taking care of myself!
Another move, loss of a pet, and starting a new business that consumes my time. So what are we hearing? That's right I need to bring balance back into my life.

This time around I think I won't be so hard on myself and slowly graze my way back into it.
Healthy eating is time consuming for sure but worth it for how amazing it makes you feel.

This time around I'm not going to put a label on what I'm doing, my good friend @MichelleKimberly put that into perspective for me a long time ago.

I love to cook and have gotten away from that, and don't get me started on exercise….but at least we always have an opportunity to make a change and to start fresh!

I don't have time to go to the gym so I'm going to make the best of what I have in my home and see what kind of results I can get!

So looking ahead to 2014 I'm excited for a healthier me and a healthier you!!

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Falling off the Veggie Wagon....End of Week SIX!

So where are we at now, ah right the end of week six! Well I can't believe how time flies that is for sure! I've been busy working in the garden and around the house and I think avoiding my blog because I felt a little lost and didn't want to sound like a whiner!
Anyway, as the weeks went on I had a day of lots of work in the yard and I felt like I really needed something other than what we were eating. We went out for dinner and I had a piece of salmon and some steamed veg, from there on the weekend I had 2 shrimp and a piece of smoked salmon and some cheese!!!  Mmm cheese. I have to say it all tasted great and I enjoyed it when I had it but I realized I really didn't need it! So from there I bought a few more books and have learned quite a bit. I've purchased things I have no idea what to do with but am finding my way. I know that six full weeks into this journey and I really do feel so much better. My body shape is changing, my skin is clear and my taste buds are enjoying the new things I've tried.
Lucky for me we have a wonderful Vegan restaurant and bakery in town. When I'm not sure what I feel like I head on over and order from Kind Foods. They are very supportive and helpful with their advice. Who would of thought that I would love Collard Greens! Anyway you should check out Kelly's website it is filled with lots of great information!

I purchased a veggie spiraler today to make salads a little more interesting and I look forward to spiralling something to use as a noodle for pasta. Someone said zucchini, I really don't like that vegetable so I'll try it first and see...

I did want to mention that the whole going out for dinner thing has worked itself out. It's wonderful to know that if you just call ahead and speak to the restaurant you are going to chances are they are happy to come up with something for you. Our one favourite in town is The Carriage House  they make an Amazing vegan currie for me. The chef's name is Gracious he is from India and each time we've had it it has been so delicious! Our other favourite is Cucci in Bronte, the pasta they make and the arugula salad, both fantastic!

So all in all thing are going well, I had my cheat days and got over the guilt and I try to remember one day at a time and not be so hard on myself! I am going for blood work to check out my iron and B12 levels to make sure everything is cool and I shall carry on:)
Thanks for reading!
Yours in good health,

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Energizing Morning Juice, Veggie Sandwich and Spicy B Linguini

First of all I want to say thanks to all of you that keep coming back to read what I have to say. I'm not sure what your journey looks like but I believe everyone would like to look and feel their best on the inside and out!

Za druzhbu myezhdu narodami! Cheers to all my Russian friends ( I hope that means something nice and I didn't pick anything offensive! lol ) I feel encouraged when I see where all the people are viewing from, love the web!

So I digress... I realise that to live a healthier life it takes a bit of work, I'm sure this doesn't surprise anyone, but once you get into the groove it just becomes a part of your life!
Let's take a look at today, recipes to follow:

 I started my day off juicing after I'd already fed my husband and I the progressive greens beforehand. I do this automatically in case I don't have time to juice so I know that we have some greens to get our day started.  Did I mention my husband doesn't question anything, he just drinks what I give him? He has confided in me that since I have started this journey he has in turn felt much better himself. That makes me happy. Fresh fruit and some steel cut oats or regular oatmeal for breakfast with some chia, hemp and flax seeds sprinkled on top keeps me feeling full for a long time, however today I had to run to an appointment and missed having it.
Anyway, a handful of almonds and an apple is always a part of my day now. It helps if you feel your blood sugar is dropping or you're wanting to reach for that bagel or whatever, so Yes it helps with cravings.
For lunch I made veggie sandwiches which my husband actually asks for on a regular basis! I used to add spicy Havarti cheese to mine and a roasted red pepper spread that had milk products in it. I make the same sandwiches just omitting those items for me.
For dinner I made a pasta, my husband loves pasta. His favourite is bolognese. 
Well I pulled a little switch with my ingredients to see how it would fare and it worked, one more meal from our usual that I am able to make vegan and the whole house loved it. The flavour and texture of regular ground beef was not missed- all in the spice my friends.
Water water water I didn't have enough today! I notice a difference when I don't drink enough. I need to remind myself somehow! When I'm at home I try to have some every time I pass through the kitchen but when you are out you forget unless you have a water bottle with you!

Overall it was a good day. I was going to work out in the morning but my day didn't start the way I had planned and I almost didn't do anything. Before I started dinner I had to force myself downstairs on the treadmill for half and hour and I'm glad I did. Rush fit work out in the morning- that I love and I do suggest doing this video with a friend so you can count the gruelling minutes down together:)

Energizing morning juice

1 lemon
1" fresh ginger
2 carrots
4 stalks celery
2 apples
4 large leaves of Kale ( stalk and all )

Juice all items together and separate into two glasses to share, drink immediately.

Veggie Sandwich

Dempsters 12 grain bread or whatever variation of bread you like.

Scallion onion
Roasted red peppers
Jalapeños ( if you don't mind a little kick )
White bean and roasted red pepper spread ( use as butter, vegan )

mustard ( instead of the white bean spread )
fresh alfalfa sprouts

Spicy B Linguini

1/2 spanish onion
2-3 large garlic cloves
pepper to taste
crushed red pepper flakes

Jarred organic tomato sauce
Italian vegan ground ( meat substitute )
Brown rice organic linguini noodles

Saute onion for 1-2 minutes add fresh chopped garlic, pepper and crushed red pepper flakes.
Add Italian veggie ground and combine
Pour in tomato sauce bring everything up to boil then reduce down to med low while the noodles are cooking.

Serve immediately once cooked.

Tip: A friend of mine recommended I try Brewers yeast sprinkled on top of my pasta as a Parmesan cheese substitute. I tried it and it works great however in this case more is not better as I learned at dinner tonight so use sparingly.

Enjoy my friends!

Tuesday 8 May 2012

End of Week Three

It has been an interesting third week to say the least.....I have to remember that I signed up for one day at a time, even though I chose to make quite a change all at once instead of easing into this way of life, like the book I'm reading told me to. Jump in with two feet that's what I'm like....
Moody, tired, craving cheese and asking myself, I'm doing this why????
What I realised was that in the first two weeks I felt great, had tons of energy and was so excited to be on this road and to share! I was dropping weight and a dress size!
This week, frankly I'm tired!
I think I got a little cocky thinking, huh I've got this licked no problem! Well, guess again.
No change in my weight, lost about what to cook, either that or my enthusiasm waned a tad.
So what did I do about it? First thing, I went and bought a good B vitamin Complex supplement which has helped me tremendously with my energy and my moods. I make sure I'm juicing a big pile of veggies in the morning with some Vega protein and some Macca powder ( good for your skin, energy and libido- who doesn't mind that!)
I've also learned to ask for help, it's amazing how many people I know who have tried vegan, vegetarian or whatever variation that works for them and all the great tips they share, thank you, it gives me hope:)
I've also been exercising regularly which helps with my moods and for trimming my waist!
This last week and a bit we ended up eating out more than usual and guess what, a stomach ache each time, can I say I actually crave my clean veggies and what I cook? Yes I do!
Instead of having my picture perfect kitchen each day, there are always dishes to do or a dishwasher to unload or meals to prep etc and I'm okay with that! ( surprising for those that know me ) So I figure all of this work has GOT to be worth it! For today it is, so one day at a time will carry me on to the next and a good night sleep will help me focus for tomorrow. I have a list of items I'm going to cook and post about that I'm excited to try in the coming week so stay tuned!

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Turnip/Potato Curry over Lentils

Turnip/Potato Curry over Lentils

Serves 4 (smaller portions)      Medium Spice


1 sm (8oz) Turnip- peeled and cut into 1" cubes
12  yellow mini potatoes cut in half
1/2 white onion chopped
2 lg garlic cloves chopped
1tbsp grapeseed oil
1tsp kosher salt
1tsp paprika
1/2-1 tsp of cayenne
1tbsp cumin
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp chilli powder
2 jalepenos peppers chopped
squeeze of half a lemon
1 cup of water

In a medium skillet warm oil and add onion, saute until transluscent about 1-2 min.

Add: salt, paprika, cayenne, cumin, cinnamon and chilli powder.

Add: garlic and combine adding a little water as needed so the spices don't stick.

Add: potatoes and turnips, combine.

Add: 1/2 cup of water, jalapenos and lemon juice, combine.

Cook on stovetop for about 5-10 minutes.

Transfer to a casserole dish and place in a 400 degree oven for 1 hour. Check every 15 min and add a little water each time and toss so nothing sticks. Check for with a fork for the potatoes to be tender, the turnips will feel a bit more firm that the potatoes but that's okay cook a bit longer if desired.

Warm up lentils in a separate pan on the stove top.  

Serve curry over warm lentils with a side salad.

Yum Yum

Monday 30 April 2012

End of Week Two..

So, two weeks into this lifestyle change and I'm happy that I've done it. My clothes feel better each day, no stomach aches- except for last night going out for dinner the asian sauce I should have ordered on the side. Eating clean changes the way your taste buds operate let me tell you. The need to add sauces and dips etc doesn't seem as appealing these days. The one thing I am struggling with a bit is cheese! Yep, I kind of miss it! I won't go into detail and ruin it for my friends that love it as to why I shouldn't eat it. ( I've been warned already not to do that).
Another great weekend and on Saturday I thought I was going to get a veggie burger from Licks as a little treat. My husband was craving pizza and I thought sure, loaded with veggies and no cheese I'll be great....
For some reason I ordered a gluten free crust, I feel bad for those that are gluten intolerant and want pizza, it was like chewing on sawdust I could barely get it down!
I guess not having any cheese didn't help either. I decided to cut a fresh baguette in half, use my vegan friendly butter, garlic and Daiya cheese to make a garlic bread. I then scraped all the toppings from the pizza over the bread in hopes to save it. It turned my stomach to say the least, no pizza for me.
So I guess if I'm not going to have the real thing why bother at all? They say it takes 21 days to change your taste buds, I think I'll just leave the memory of cheese as I have it instead of trying to change it. Only time will tell.

Snack Ideas your kids might just like too.....

Kale and Plantain Chips

My sister texted me and asked, " So what do you snack on at night?'
I told her I try not to snack, for the most part but if I did, Kale and Plantain chips!!
I was being facetious actually I'd never really tried them so I thought, hey give it a try!
I'm not the first to do this so it's not an original. Talk about easy and so tasty! I had my son be the taste tester and when I heard, "Wow Mom that is really good" I had to smile. A friend came over and tried them as did my husband and we all agree, a snack everyone would like. I will note that both recipes tasted the best fresh out of the over with a little sea salt on them:)

On a large cookie sheet tear pieces of washed and dried Kale into bite size pieces, drizzle a little olive oil and toss.
Cook in the oven at 375 for approximately 10-15 min, don't let the leaves burn, lightly browned is fine.
Remove and sprinkle with sea salt and serve.

I dusted off the mandolin to prepare the plantain. Peel the plantain as you would cucumber and  cut each end to even them out. Use the guard to guide the plantain, slicing thin slices. Gently place pieces in a bowl and toss with a bit of olive oil. I know friends that just spray the pan and pieces with Pam cooking spray instead so you are not getting all the oil if you prefer.

Arrange Plantain "chips" on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet in a single layer and bake at 375 for 30 min approximately turning once. Make sure the cuts are not too thick, they are not as tasty cooked. If you have two sheets going at the same time rotate them while cooking every 10 min from upper to lower racks.

And there you have it plantain chips.

Kale chips - I'll cook more next time!

My handsome some trying the plantain chips.

Yep he likes the Kale chips,
We hope you do too!